Writing starts at 8 PM EDT Thursday July 10 and ends at 8 PM EDT Sunday July 13, 2025.
Writers planning to submit their manuscripts for judging may bring an outline of up to one page for reference. All writing to be entered, including the synopsis, must be done at the event location, within the allotted 72 hours. An affidavit to this effect must be signed, witnessed and submitted by the end of the event. Note: non-fiction, short stories and other forms of writing are also welcome (and in fact a collection of stories has won “Best Novel”.) Collaborations of two authors maximum are permitted.
New Rule #1: The use of artificial intelligence of any sort to generate either concepts or text to be included in your manuscript is not allowed. If detected, it will result in disqualification. You may use an AI to help you with research, but not with the creative process. The affidavit now includes language to this effect.
New Rule #2: Writers may not submit a manuscript is encumbered by any contractual obligation (e.g., a right-of-first-refusal clause in an existing publishing contract, a plot connection to another work that is under contract – if you are writing a sequel, say – or a tie to a series or setting that is under contract). These are just examples; other contractual obligations could make it impossible or awkward for us to send your manuscript to our official publisher if you win Best Novel. Now when you sign the affidavit you are warranting that your manuscript is free and clear. Disqualification could result here, too.
Completed manuscripts to be submitted to the judges will be double-spaced in 14-point Times New Roman with page number and title of work on each page. A separate title page will include the title of the work and the intended audience only (children/young adult, adult). To ensure the objectivity of the judging process, the author’s name must not appear anywhere on this copy. There is no length limit for manuscripts.
For writers wishing to submit their work for judging, electronic copies will be accepted by the Novel Marathon Committee up to and at 8:00 p.m. on the last day of the marathon (Sunday).
The judges reserve the right to declare “no award” in a category if none of the manuscripts are deemed acceptable for submission to a publisher or agent.