Looking for tech help for the Online Event? This is the place.
If you have questions about writing, or the marathon itself, please contact our writer liaison!
Things we can help with:
- Editing your MNM profile (click here for videos on how to do everything profile related. Please watch them first as your answer is likely there.)
- Getting you on the Forum (MNM2023:QE registered writers only) or the Facebook page
- Getting a template for your MNM submission
- Help with downloading ZOOM, and how to join a ZOOM meeting.
Things I cannot:
- Problems with your computer, Operating System or programs
Please make sure to check the links above for the answers to your questions first. If these do not answer your question, I can be found online during Tech times below. If there is not a scheduled tech time, or your matter is urgent, you can contact "> and someone will get back to you.
Thursday July 11 2024 from 2 to 4 PM, someone will be available on zoom to help with any technical issues. The zoom link will be provided closer to the time.